This unassuming but intriguing documentary tells the story of Dieter Dengler who was born in the Black Forest of Germany just before WW2, emigrated to America after it, became a Naval fighter pilot and was shot down over Laos and captured during the Vietnam war. Typical enough of Herzog’s documentary Little Dieter Wants To Fly is a story of obsession and survival related in a detached even humorous manner by its subject. Now in his 50s and a successful businessman living in Northern California, Dengler recounts his adventures as a POW who escaped from the Viet Cong and survived .
Although Dengler is not a native English speaker he is articulate and vivid as he tells his story, which Herzog visualizes through a combination of archival footage and re-enactments. As with all his work Herzog himself is never far from proceedings, partly as interlocuter, partly as illustrator. It is a fascinating story and one feels that justice has been done to it.