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USA 2003
Directed by
Nancy Meyers
128 minutes
Rated M

Reviewed by
Sharon Hurst
3 stars

Something’s Gotta Give

Synopsis: Harry Sanborn (Jack Nicholson) is a 63-year-old bachelor who, having been very successful in business, has now made his name by setting up a hip-hop record label. He’s never been married, and is notorious for only dating much younger women. In fact he proudly boasts that he’s never even seen an older woman naked. All that changes when, dating the gorgeous Marin (Amanda Peet), he suffers a heart attack while staying at the holiday home of Marin’s Mum, renowned playwright Erica Barry (Diane Keaton). Harry gradually discovers a connection and (God forbid!) an attraction to the still sexy but long-time celibate 56-year old. However there are no easy resolutions, as Harry’s handsome young doctor, Julian Mercer (Keanu Reeves), is also very attracted to Erica.

The major strengths of this film are twofold: the script is outstanding and anyone who’s gone through the pain and heartache of relinquishing their solitary equilibrium for the roller-coaster ride of passion will really relate to thebelievable conversations and interactions that take place. But even better is the way the film deals with the often taboo topic of sex in an older age group – not the sort of stuff we’re sated with in every Hollywood movie where crusty old guys are bedding stunners half their age, but where real people with real wrinkles and anxieties, and yet still fully functioning sex drives, get it together. More power to director Nancy Meyers for showing it like it is!!

Men often recoil from these sorts of films, putting them down with the appellation “chick flick” but I recommend all of the male persuasion to get out and see this one, as it so delightfully encapsulates the sort of dynamic that plagues male/female relationships across any age group. More than that, it’s a great showcase for those fine troupers Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton. They spark off each other with wit and tenderness. Jack is, as in many of his recent films, totally unashamed to be seen at his most humiliating worst, and this lends some hilarious moments to the film. Keaton used to often annoy me greatly with her almost studied idiosyncrasies, but as Erica she achieves a fine balance in portraying all the characteristics of this independent, yet extremely vulnerable, woman. The gorgeous Amanda Peet  is perfectly cast as Keaton’s daughter. The painful problems that both mother and daughter share in their attempts to find love and discover themselves are beautifully played out. Keanu Reves as the equally gorgeous doctor brings an ingenuous charm to his role. Frances McDormand as Erica’s feminist sister Zoe reminded me of her role in Laurel Canyon, and I would’ve liked to have seen more of this character.

The ending lets the film down a little – too much repetitive to-ing and fro-ing as to who will end up with whom, but overall Something’s Gotta Give is an entertaining treat that deals well with the perennial human issue of intimacy.




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